Awarded Honorary Life Membership 1993.


Doug Wright became the Club’s 7th Life Member at the AGM on 15 September. Doug’s association with the Club goes back more than 30 years to September 1959 when he first arrived in Canberra. He contacted the Canberra Bushwalking and Touring Club (as it was first known) and went on several trips before going overseas for three years. Before that, he had been one of a group that started the London Rockhopper Climbing Club in the mid-1950s and he had travelled overland from London to New Zealand to spend two years walking, climbing and skiing with the Christchurch Tramping Club and the Canterbury Mountaineering Club.

On his return to Canberra, he rejoined a revitalised Club, gave a talk on Thailand and his wife became Secretary whilst he looked after Club equipment. Co-opted as Walks Secretary in August 1964, he led trips, often exploratory, to places as diverse as Lake Bathurst, Clyde Mountain, Bungonia Gorge, Ettrema, Shoalhaven and Orroral Valley.

Doug was elected Club President for 1965-66. It was during his presidency that the monthly newsletter commenced. After a further stint overseas he returned to rejoin the Committee as Membership Secretary in 1972-73 and led further walks, some of which were family-oriented, and beginner cross-country ski trips at Guthega. Spells working away from Canberra gave him a chance to walk with the Adelaide Bushwalking Club and the Hobart Bushwalking Club as well as exploring odd corners of the world. In 1980-81 he was Correspondence Secretary.

During the past years, when in Canberra, he has tended to walk on other people’s trips, leading from the rear, so to speak, on the basis that leaders need support. Now and then, however, he leads trips to the coast and his Christmas festivities on Springbank Island have become a traditional event. Over the years, a large number of IT Collations have been held at his home. At present, he is the Club archivist.

Published in It, October 1993.

Doug Wright in the Brindabellas, 1996