
We send a brief monthly update to members every month except January and publish a quarterly magazine.

The quarterly magazine, ‘it’, includes trip reports, articles, photos, recipes and activity details. It also has a Bulletin Board where Club Members can list non-Club walks and make other short announcements.

It quarterly magazines

Guidelines for magazine contributions

Members’ contributions are welcomed – articles, poems, recipes, photos, artworks and other items related to bushwalking, conservation and allied activities.

Contributions can be emailed to If you would like a short message to be published in the Monthly Update, please mark it as URGENT.

Articles may be up to approximately 2,500 words in length, although most will probably be considerably shorter. Those describing long trips, especially if they are exploratory or unusual in some way, may need to be longer in order to be useful to readers interested in the areas described.

Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed by individual authors do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor, the Committee or members of CBC.

Please follow the detailed Publication guidelines when making a submission.

  • The most acceptable text software is Word.
  • Please do not embed images in your text, but send them as attached files, preferably jpg.
  • Please ensure your articles have been thoroughly edited and spell-checked.
  • Please send photos with a caption and the name of the photographer. If a photo is not yours, make sure you have permission to use it.
  • Photos should be the largest version you have, though I would appreciate it if you could straighten seriously oblique horizons.

Here is a typical past issue of the magazine.


Posts to the CBC Facebook page are not only viewed by Club members, but by the public, and generate a significant amount of interest and likes. The Club is finding it is also a good source of new memberships.

Posting Guidelines and Protocols

Contributions to the Club’s Facebook page should:

  • be brief; i.e. no more than approximately two paragraphs of text.  Anything longer is, in effect, a trip report and is better handled as a short article for inclusion in the Club’s quarterly ‘it’ magazine,
  • be relevant; i.e. related to the Club’s main activities – such as bushwalking, canyoning, caving, conservation activities, skiing, cycling, geocaching and social functions (e.g. the annual BBQ),
  • be clear and not contain spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors,
  • be appealing without embellishing the truth,
  • not include more than 5-7 photos that have been selected by the contributor,
  • ensure that all photos acknowledge the photographer, where known, and include a short single-sentence description,
  • not include text or photos of culturally sensitive areas or that may enable the identification of culturally sensitive sites,
  • not include text or photos that may lead to damage from too much human foot traffic,
  • not include photos of children unless prior permission has been obtained from the relevant parents/guardians. Note that it is the responsibility of the party submitting the material to the Facebook Administrator to gain this permission.

Whilst permission is not legally required to post photos of adults taken in public places, the party submitting material to the Facebook Administrator must seek permission from Club members before submitting their photos or using their names. Refer to adults in text and photos generally only by their first name and the initial of their last name e.g. ‘Bronwyn K led a group of bushwalkers to Mount Domain on Saturday’.

Consider including a watermark on the pictures if you are concerned about their broader use. 

Please send your photos via email, not via a link.  Some cloud-based links, such as Dropbox and Google drive, as they might not work for the Facebook Administrator.

Leaders Letters

The Leaders Letter is emailed monthly to Club leaders and provides information of special interest to them. They are produced by the Walks Secretary.

Past copies of the Leaders Letter can be found here.


Finding Your Way in the Bush

The book ‘Finding Your Way in the Bush’ by George Carter was published by the Club in 2007. From 2015 to 2021 hard copies were provided to all new Club members. The Club now retains an electronic copy of the book.

‘Finding Your Way in the Bush’ contains chapters on maps used by bushwalkers, compasses, basic use of a GPS, taking advantage of different landforms, and choice of route.

40th anniversary special edition magazine

Published in 2001, this special edition magazine contains recollections by Club members of the early years.

50th anniversary book

In 2011, to celebrate the Club’s 50th anniversary, we published a book (PDF) of recollections.

60th anniversary magazine

In 2022, to celebrate the Club’s 60th anniversary (which was actually in 2021 but we had to delay events and celebrations because of Covid lockdowns and restrictions), we published a special magazine of recollections.


CBC response – ACT commercial tourism framework feasibility project

19 July 2020

The Canberra Bushwalking Club supports appropriately supported bushwalking and camping in the ACT’s national park (Namadgi). By this, we mean escorted day or day-night trips designed to educate and inspire visitors who want to learn more about the unique sub-alpine environments in the park. These activities should be minimal impact, ie no additional roads or infrastructure such as ‘glamping-style’ accommodation should be provided. We do not support the granting of exclusive licences or deals as a means to attract business into these areas.

CBC submission to Select Committee NSW Legislative Council ‘Proposal to raise the Warragamba Dam wall’

8 September 2019

Members of the Canberra Bushwalking Club regularly organise bushwalks in the greater Blue Mountains National Park. As frequent visitors, we have an active interest in promoting the Park’s considerable environmental values, while ensuring that this is balanced with the needs of the population.

CBC submission to Legislative Assembly ‘Nature in our City’ Inquiry

6 June 2018

Canberra is known as the ‘bush capital’ and CBC supports keeping it that way. We owe it to present and future generations of walkers to retain the wonderful walking environments that make Canberra one of the most pleasant of cities in which to live.

CBC Submission on Parks Victoria Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan

31 January 2018

The Club commented on the draft Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan (FHSAP) for Victorian National Parks. While generally supportive of the draft plan, the Club suggested some refinements, and supports consideration of the use of the method of wild horse culling demonstrated to be the most humane, cost-effective and safe for parks staff – aerial shooting.

CBC Submission on Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing Draft Master Plan

25 January 2017

The Club raised a number of concerns about the plan and strongly recommended that the stakeholders agencies involved in this plan broaden their approach and deepen their analysis, incorporating greater consideration of and joint planning with current and potential park users and private sector partners before approval of this large investment of public funds.

CBC Submission on Wild Horse Management, Kosciuszko National Park

15 August 2016

The Club commented on the draft Wild Horse Management Plan for Kosciuszko National Park. While generally supportive of the draft plan, the Club suggested some refinements, and supports consideration of the use of the method of wild horse culling demonstrated to be the most humane, cost-effective and safe for NPWS staff – aerial shooting.

CBC Submission on Recreational Trails Masterplan Development, Murrumbidgee Conservation Reserve

1 December 2015

The Club was invited to comment on the draft Trail Master Plan for the proposed Murrumbidgee River Conservation Reserve. This club has a direct interest in the proposal, as several of our members periodically run walking events in the area.

CBC Submission on the draft Bushwalking NSW policy on commercial development in national parks

26 November 2015

The Club was invited by Bushwalking NSW to comment on its draft policy on commercial development in national parks.

CBC Submission on preliminary concept paper, Falls to Hotham Tourist Track

20 November 2015

The Club was invited by Parks Victoria to comment on the preliminary concept paper for the development of Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing walk. This club has a direct interest in the proposal, as many of our members walk on the Australian Alps Walking Track and/or periodically run walking events in the area.

CBC Submission on Draft Strategic Bushfire Management Plan for 2015-2019

21 July 2014

The CBC submission complimented the Emergency Services Agency’s provision of online information, e.g. on active fires, and sought greater consultation of community organisations on plans for fuel reduction, access work etc.

CBC Comments on Draft ACT Trails Strategy, 2014-2024

9 January 2014

The community was invited to provide feedback on the draft ACT Trails Strategy which aims to develop a consistent policy framework to improve the management and use of recreational trails on public land. The Club’s submission supported the need for a trails strategy and made comments on some aspects of the draft strategy.

CBC Submission on NSW Adventure Activity Standards for Bushwalking

28 May 2009

The Club made a submission to ORIC (Outdoor Recreation Industry Council) on draft NSW Adventure Activity Standards (AAS) for Bushwalking being prepared by the Council on behalf of the NSW Government. The Club submitted that the proposed Standards were “excessive for a volunteer leader taking a group of experienced responsible adults into the bush”. The Standards were not implemented in relation to bushwalking clubs. Oric has since changed its name to Outdoors NSW & ACT. Adventure Activity Standards can be found at the Australian Adventure Activity Standards website.

Updated: 2024-11-26