The Club’s software is hosted by a host site, presently ‘Just Host’. As well as providing a platform for our website and the application that manages our activities etc, the host site provides other functions, including the set-up of email addresses for Club officers (e.g. and email forwarding.

If you change an email address or password …

If the Club’s Web Manager or other authorised Committee Member changes any of the generic email addresses (e.g. or, or any of the passwords associated with those addresses, the same change must be made in the application’s Role Management area.

If the addresses and passwords in Role Management do not match those on the host site, system-generated emails will not be sent. For instance, if a user uses Forgot Password, the system will email the user a new password, from the address  If the email fails to arrive, it may be because there is a mismatch between the Role Management address or password and those on the host site.

Web below Hannels Spur by Rowan Peck