Here is an outline of the positions up for election at each September AGM. If you would like more information about one of these positions, please contact the current office holder or the President.


Oversees all Club activities, chairs the Committee Meetings and is responsible for ensuring that important issues are considered by the committee or are otherwise dealt with. Represents the Club in many of its dealings with outside bodies especially Bushwalking NSW Inc. Assists other officers where needed. Frequently must deal with enquiries, suggestions and complaints. Contributes regularly to It. Member of the training and safety sub-group.

General Secretary

Takes minutes of Committee Meetings and records the formal business of General Meetings, including the AGM. Maintains official records of correspondence. Prepares correspondence for signature by the President, if requested, and works closely with the President on matters of general importance to the Club. Prepares annual returns and updates to Committee member information for the Office of Regulatory Services.


Manages the Club’s finances. Maintains day-to-day accounts and financial records; prepares the annual Financial Statements and draft Budget; advises the Committee and Club members on financial matters including membership rates and transport rates; acts as Administrator of the Bank Accounts, Merchant Facility and Stripe in regard to changes in authorisations and access of other officers to those facilities; manages Investments and cash transfers between the credit facilities and bank accounts; pays all accounts; issues invoices and deposits cash receipts as needed.

Walks Secretary

Responsible for organising the Activity Program. Encourages members to lead Club activities, checks that Activity Owners/Leaders have the skills needed to undertake the walks they propose and seeks out new Leaders. Manages the Register of Leaders. Contributes regularly to It. Member of the training and safety subgroup.

Membership Secretary

Responds to queries about membership applications and renewals; processes applications for membership submitted via Bilby; adds manual receipts for membership fees to Bilby; coordinates completion of annual questionnaire from Bushwalking NSW for Renewal of  Insurance Cover. Member of the Training and Safety sub-group.


Responsible for the preparation of the quarterly magazine. Seeks, encourages and receives written contributions and photos and follows up receipt of regular reports. Edits content as necessary. Designs and prepares the layout for publication. The magazine is currently prepared using Microsoft Publisher.

Training & Safety Officer

Develops and implements a training and safety programme consistent with the Club’s objectives and responsibilities. Manages the updating of the Club’s notes for Activity Owners/Leaders and participants, where necessary. Contributes regularly to It. Manages the activities of the training and safety sub-group.

Social Secretary

Manages the social program of the Club including the Christmas party, the January BBQ, any celebrations relevant to the Club and anything else that enriches the community spirit of the Club. Chairs the general meetings, identifying and introducing guest speakers. Ensures the blurb for each presentation is obtained from the speaker and is sent promptly to the newsletter editor, website manager and Facebook manager. Asks a Club member to write a review of the presentation for It. Ensures that a bottle of wine or other suitable gift is presented to speakers. Responsible for setting up the hall, and for supper at general meetings. Is the contact for the managers of the meeting venue and is responsible for the venue keys and re-booking the venue for the following year. Has custody of the Club laptop, ensures antivirus software is up to date, and brings the laptop to general and committee meetings.

Conservation Officer

Coordinates the Club’s conservation activities. Advises the Club on conservation issues, campaigns and projects. May represent the Club at other conservation meetings such as those of the ACT Conservation Council. Prepares submissions on important conservation matters.

Assistant Walks Secretary

Responsible for obtaining pre-trip documentation from Activity Owners/Leaders before walks and checking Leaders in after activities. Sometimes has to contact ‘forgetful’ Leaders to check that the party has returned. First point of contact for Leaders in case of emergency. Obtains completed Acknowledgement of Risks and Obligations Forms from Leaders and keeps them for the record. Maintains statistics on trips; assists in identifying potential new leaders. Responsible for obtaining incident reports and for making recommendations to the committee based on these. Member of the training and safety sub-group.


Responsible for coordinating and disseminating the Monthly Update to members; central point for maintaining ‘all member’ email list in Mailchimp and liaising with the Editor to send out the Quarterly Club Magazine ‘it‘.

Web Manager

Responsible for the maintenance and development of the CBC system, databases and website.

Updated: 2024-11-26