0. Definition

A ‘trip’ in this document means any excursion for bushwalking, or allied outdoor activity that has been notified in the Club newsletter, at a General Meeting or via the Club’s website, facebook page, email or other messaging system.

1. Environment and conservation

1.1. Participants on Club trips shall abide by the Club’s ‘Minimal Impact Bushwalking Code’.

2. Club equipment

2.1. Priority for hire of Club equipment shall be:

(a) Club members on Club trips;

(b) Non-Club members on Club trips

(c) Club members on non-Club trips,

provided that at least 7 days notice is given otherwise hire shall be on a first come first serve basis.

2.2 Equipment is not available for non-members on non-Club trips.

2.3 Charges for use of equipment are determined by the Committee.

2.4 Charges may vary between items but not between hirers.

3. Transport

3.1. Each trip participant shall contribute an equal share to the transport cost of the trip as determined by the formula:  D x R x V / N, where:

  • D is the round trip distance travelled by a vehicle in kilometres;
  • R is the transport rate for trips;
  • V is the number of vehicles provided; and
  • N is the number of trip participants.

3.2. The standard transport rate shall be set with reference to half the set rate per kilometre allowed by the Commissioner for Taxation for work-related expenses for an ordinary motor car with an engine capacity of 1.6 to 2.6 litres, for the preceding financial year.

3.3. Each provider of a vehicle shall be paid an equal share of the contributions of all participants.

3.4. An Activity Owner/Leader may vary the transport cost formula to take account of special circumstances including bad roads, extra distance travelled by some vehicles, or unusually large vehicles.

3.5. The Committee shall review the transport rate for trips at least annually and submit proposed revisions for ratification by a General Meeting.

4. Finance

4.1. The Committee is authorised to spend the Club’s funds in accordance with the budget, as approved from time to time.

4.2. No loans or gifts other than those exceptions listed at (a) and (b) below shall be made from Club funds except upon a resolution of the members.

(a) a small gift given to presenter(s) at each monthly general meeting,

(b) a small gift presented at the discretion of the Walks Secretary to selected walk leaders at the AGM.

4.3. Any ‘material’ expenditure proposed by the Committee that is not provided for in the approved Budget for a financial year is to be referred to the members for consideration and determination by resolution at a General Meeting prior to a commitment being entered into. Prima facie an item of expenditure shall be taken to be ‘material’ if:

(a) it would cause a class of expenditure included in the budget to be 10% greater than the amount specified for that class; or

(b) it was not included in the budget and is greater than 10% of budgeted net cash from operating activities

unless there is a reasonable expectation by the Committee that there will be equivalent ‘offsetting savings’ in other budgeted items of expenditure or ‘cost recoveries’ (e.g. through sales receipts).

4.4 Notwithstanding Standing Resolution 4.3, expenditure for ‘recurring expenses’ is permitted from the beginning of each financial year until the Budget for that year has been approved at the September Annual General Meeting.

4.5 A sum of $2,000 is to be available as an Advance to the Treasurer to be used for urgent, unforeseen and unavoidable expenditures that may be necessary to enable the Club to meet commitments to external organisations or individuals. Any drawdowns from the Advance shall be notified to the next available Club General meeting, and notification shall be accompanied by an explanation of the need for the drawdown. Drawdowns shall require the approval of the President, the Treasurer and at least one other Committee member. The Advance is not intended to be used as a means of bypassing general annual budgeting or membership approval processes.

5. Trips

5.1. An Activity Owner/Leader may reject an applicant for a trip if they consider that the applicant is unsuitable or if the applicant is not a current or prospective member.

5.2. The number of participants on a trip shall not exceed 16 unless the Walk Secretary or Assistant Walk Secretary has given approval.

6. Documentation

6.1. The Club’s ‘Guidelines for Participants’ are to be provided to all prospective Club members. All participants in Club activities are expected to have read these guidelines.

6.2. The Club’s ‘Guidelines for Activity Owners/Leaders’ are to be provided to Leaders. Leaders are to be advised that they are expected to take the guidelines into consideration in conducting their activities.

6.3. All participants wishing to take part in Club activities, except purely social activities such as monthly meetings and the Christmas Party, are required to confirm that they have read the Club’s Risks and Obligations paragraphs as a condition of participation in these activities. In the case of children, their guardian is required to confirm.

7. Temporary Members

7.1 Temporary Members are participants in a Club activity who are not members.

7.2 Temporary membership is offered to enable participants to try Club activities to determine suitability.

7.3 Temporary members 18 years of age and over may participate in a maximum of three activities after which they are expected to join the Club. Temporary members under 18 years of age may participate in an unlimited number of Club activities.

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Adopted May 1994, last updated December 2023