Quick facts
- Founded: 1961
- Members: over 400
- ABN: 33 895 935 978
- Incorporated association number: A00336
- Club bank account (for membership payments): Westpac, BSB 032719, Account Number 176134
- Member club of Bushwalking NSW.
Our main activity is bushwalking (aka hiking, tramping). We also offer canoeing, canyoning, caving, conservation work parties, cross-country skiing, cycling, geocaching, liloing, and social activities.
Our Club profile
These are the things that characterise our Club, and in some cases differentiate us from other groups, such as meet-up walking groups:
- A very wide range of levels of difficulty – from easy urban rambles and walks suitable for families with toddlers, to multi-day expeditions in rough and remote areas in Australia and overseas.
- Training program – an annual series of training sessions in navigation and occasional other training sessions, such as river-crossing. To see a list of upcoming training opportunities, go to Activities, scroll down until you find one that interests you and then click on that for more information or choose Training from the Any tag dropdown and see what is available.
.A strong emphasis on safety; for example:
- we vet all our leaders
- most of our activities require pre-booking, so that new participants and leaders have the opportunity to discuss the difficulty of a walk
- we have a formal procedure for checking that trips have returned safely
- we subsidise first-aid training for active members