1. Status = Draft. When you create an activity, its status is Draft. No one except you (and Admin Officers) can see it. You can edit it as many times as necessary. You can even add yourself as a participant and mark yourself Valid, before setting the activity status to review. This saves you the step of having to add yourself as a participant after the activity has been published.
  2. Status = Review. When you are happy with all your activity details, submit it to the Walks Secretary for review and publishing by changing its status from Draft to Review.
  3. Status = Open to Public or Members Only. The Walks Secretary will change the status of your activity from Review to Open to Public. If you want bookings restricted to members, contact the Walks Secretary by phone, text or email with that request. This new status causes the activity to be published. Note that you can still change your activity details. Therefore you are now responsible for the activity details.
  4. Status = Closed. You can choose to limit bookings by changing the status of your activity from Open to Public/Members Only to Closed. This removes the ‘Create a Booking’ link from your activity description so that no further booking requests can be made. However, the ‘Ask a question about this activity!’ facility is still available and, as the associated Bilby note says, “When you send a message to an Activity Owner, Bilby will create a new booking record registered as “Interested” where you can track responses to your message.”
  5. Status = Cancelled. Circumstances such as extreme weather, or your unavailability to lead the activity, may cause you to postpone or cancel your activity. Before you change the status, communicate with valid participants via a Message Board entry tagged @everyone. Alternatively, you can use the Cancel Activity link to do this for you. Consider notifying any other Pending/Interested participants via a 1-to-1 Note (make it easier for yourself by doing a copy/paste of the cancellation text). Change the status of your activity from the current value to Cancelled, if you have not used the Cancel Activity link. By the way, if the proposed cancellation is due to your unavailability, there is the option to change the owner of the activity to another valid participant (from the Manage Users, Participants tab, click the Actions … button and Change Owner).
  6. Use the Finish Activity link after the activity is over. Do not change the activity status to Completed yourself. The Finish Activity link will step you through actions such as marking attendance, adding any participants who attended but were not booked.
  7. There may be circumstances where you want to remove all record of the activity. Change the status from the current value to Removed.

If you inadvertently set a status that does not allow you to further access the activity (eg. mark it as Removed but you want to recover the activity), contact the Walks Secretary.

Your Bilby coaches
Last updated 16 August 2023