The Club offers a series of free training sessions in navigation each year. Non-members are welcome to try up to three training sessions before joining the Club.
On a walk, don’t hesitate to ask the Activity Owner/Leader for some tips on navigating. Prefer to teach yourself? Here are some useful resources:
An introduction to effective use of your GPS (PDF)
Starting your GPS, position format, datum, waypoints and set-up
GPSR and PC training notes (PDF)
Includes links to manuals, free software, and to sources of digital maps.
Where am I, in latitude and longitude (PDF)
How to set up your GPS to show latitude and longitude, as required by Emergency Services
Finding Your Way in the Bush, by George Carter
The book ‘Finding Your Way in the Bush’ by George Carter was published by the Club in 2007. Members of the public can buy a copy from the Club Treasurer for $10 plus postage.
‘Finding Your Way in the Bush’ contains chapters on maps used by bushwalkers, compasses, basic use of a GPS, taking advantage of different landforms, and choice of route.