The Club was founded on 29th November 1961. A preliminary meeting was held at Gosta Lynga’s flat on 15th November 1961, followed by the first general meeting at the home of the President, Jack R. Leslie, at 8 Abbot Street, Yarralumla. The annual membership fee was set at 5 shillings.
The first newsletter was dated November 1961.
By 1964 there was at least one day walk or weekend walk on most weekends. Walk descriptions were brief but often witty:
July 18-19, weekend. Snow caving/igloo building, Snowy Mountains. Solve your own housing problem, cheap blocks with short leases, Leader: Harry Black. Grade Hard.
Winter Walks Program, June 1964
Initially referred to as the Canberra Walking and Touring Club, the Club formally changed its name to Canberra Bushwalking Club in February 1965.
In May 1965, the frog logo made its first appearance on Club letterhead. It was drawn by Club member Eleanor Stodart.

Banner heading on the Monthly Circular, May 1965
In July 1966, the title ‘It’ first appeared on the Club newsletter as the official title, although it had appeared on the March 1966 edition with a question mark.

Banner heading on the monthly newsletter, March 1966
Membership reaches approximately 210.
On 25 May 1976, Club President Alan Vidler and Conservation Officer Dan Buchler lunched with ACT parliamentarians, Senator Knight and Mr Haslem MHR, and raised the issue of national park status for the area now known as Namadgi National Park
November 1976. Senator Knight, Mr Haslem and CBC members hiked over Mt Namadgi, camped at Rotten Swamp and then climbed Mt Kelly. The party walked out via Middle Creek, Big Creamy Flat, Mavis Ridge, and Rendezvous and Nursery Creeks. The walk was organised by the Club and took a full weekend. Club members carried the politicians’ gear. Some experienced NPA campaigners considered that the enthusiasm raised in the two parliamentarians by this walk brought the declaration of Namadgi as a national park forward by at least 18 months.
In June, the Club resolved to stop camping in Monolith Valley in the Budawangs, for environmental reasons. The Club lobbied the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs of NSW and NPWS to follow suit, and NPWS subsequently banned camping in Monolith Valley.
Namadgi National Park was gazetted.
The Club began its assistance to NPWS in rehabilitating eroded areas in Monolith Valley. David Campbell coordinated the Club’s contribution through many work parties until 1992.
The Club celebrated its 50th anniversary, publishing a book (PDF) and a list of past Presidents and Walks Secretaries (PDF).
In November 2011, the project to scan past issues of It was completed, with available issues since 1961 scanned. Reet Vallak provided many of the copies for scanning.
The Club celebrated its 60th anniversary, producing a special 60th Anniversary Newsletter with special recollections.