Honorary Life Membership is awarded rarely and only for exceptional service (Constitution section 3.2.2)
When considering a person for Honorary Life Membership the following criteria may be helpful. Has the candidate for Honorary Life Membership:
- Been an active member for a long time?
- Led a lot of quality walks? (refer to Club statistics)
- Served on the Committee, preferably in a number of different portfolios?
- Been a unifying and positive force in the Club and respected by members?
- Made a significant contribution on the Club’s behalf outside the Club?
A candidate may be considered worthy of Honorary Life Membership without meeting all of the above criteria and indeed may have other qualities and a record of service not listed above.
Although under the constitution a nomination can be put directly to a General Meeting, the Committee strongly request that, in the first instance, the President be informed of the impending nomination and that the following procedure be followed in the order listed.
- A written nomination by two members be given to the President setting out the case for the candidate to be made an Honorary Life Member
- President to form a sub-committee of long-time and respected members to consider the nomination and make a recommendation to the CBC Committee
- The CBC Committee to consider the recommendation and decide whether or not to support the nomination
- The President to advise the members making the nomination of the CBC Committee’s decision
- The members making the nomination can then decide whether or not to proceed with the nomination in accordance with the constitution
- The candidate’s confirmation of acceptance of the nomination should be obtained prior to proceeding
Criteria and procedures were approved by the Committee in January 2013.
Honorary Life Members
Year | Honorary Life Member | Background Information | |
1 | 1965 | Geoff Mosley | Instrumental in creating the CBC, noted conservationist and CEO of the Australian Conservation Foundation 1973-86. |
2 | 1968 | Harry Black | Joined in 1962, initiated CBC emblem, Search & Rescue, training, snow trips and bush songs. |
3 | 1978 | Robert (Bob) Story | Joined in 1963, arranged for meetings to be held at CSIRO, tireless worker for CBC and conservation, also HLM of KHA, NPA and was awarded Order of Australia for services to bushwalking and conservation. |
4 | 1981 | Sybil Story | Joined in 1963, first female president in 1968, a tireless contributor to all facets of the Club and supporter of conservation issues. |
5 | 1981 | Len Medaris | Was Club Contact Officer (Check-in Officer) for 10 years (1973-1983) when this involved picking up trip lists from Paddy Pallin – an important person for the safety of Club walks. HLM motion passed at the AGM same time as that for Sybil Storey. |
6 | 1985 | Fred George | Joined in 1973, was an inspiration to all, as a tiger walker in his sixties and seventies when others were in their 20s and 30s, led over 80 walks in 13 years. |
7 | 1991 | Alan Vidler | Joined Club in 1973, HLM was awarded as part of the 30th anniversary of the Club in recognition of service to the Club, in particular, his participation on the Committee, the more than 170 walks he had led (to that time) and his work as official Club record keeper. At the same meeting, he was awarded the inaugural Greg Buckley Award. |
8 | 1993 | Doug Wright | For service to the Club. Began walking with the Club’s predecessor organisation in 1959. Contributed as a leader and committee member in a range of roles. Club archivist. |
9 | 1995 | Vance Brown | Led many walks and gave long service to the Club on the Committee. |
10 | 2013 | George Carter | Joined the Club in September 1985. He has held several Committee positions and was known for interesting and challenging multi-day walks in the Budawangs. He wrote and published the Club book, ‘Finding Your Way in the Bush‘. |
11 | 2016 | Meg McKone | Joined the Club in 1974, HLM for service to the Club including on the Committee, as a leader of many walks, particularly longer walks in unexplored areas, and as a promoter of bushwalking through her writing and photography. |
12 | 2016 | Stan Marks | Joined the Club in 1995, HLM for outstanding services to the Club particularly his exceptional contribution to the Club’s walk program and to attracting new people to walking and to membership of the Club. |
13 | 2019 | Linda Groom | Joined the Club in November 1976, HLM for outstanding services to the Club including as a very active walker and leader, committee member in various roles, work on implementing the latest Club IT system and work on conservation. |
14 | 2025 | John Evans | Joined the Club in July 2004. HLM for services to the Club as an active walker and leader, initiator of various events encouraging participation. Author of Johnny Boy’s Walkabout Blog which details walks in the ACT and nearby NSW. |
15 | 2025 | Keith Thomas | Joined the Club in September 1978. HLM for services to the Club as an active walker and leader, particularly of adventurous and challenging multi-day trips, 22 years of Committee service and the willingness to share his navigation and mapping skills with others. Keith maintains historical and continuous Club trip metrics. |
List of Honorary Life Members prepared in January 2017 by Lorraine Tomlins with research assistance from Alan Vidler. Updated March 2025.